Are you an unselfish person?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Have you ever have this feeling?

That you give and give and give and nothing seems to be changing or nobody seem to appreciate?

I do. And on a good day I could brush it off thinking " It's fine, God will take care of it. I just do the best I know how and it's fine.."

But sometimes, when I really get stretched too thin or when I'm just not in a Jesus mood, I find myself sulking " Why couldn't they be more understanding? I give and give and give and they take me for granted... "

I always knew sulking is not the best way to handle these situations, but I am glad someone finally had put it down on words as to why and how sulking and dwelling on my "giving" is bad, and what kind of consequences it will have on my life.

Give chapter 26 a read! For those of you who think you are getting too used to giving and showing mercy, you will love it.

So, how now shall we live?

Well, after reading the chapter, this is my take:

Be nice and show mercy when you could, and MEAN it. Don't sulk if other people don't appreciate you. We shouldn't act unselfishly just to expect Jesus points or have others be nice to us as well. True giving, or unselfishness, is above the realm of reciprocity.

"Unselfishness" is a trait that we can show, but if we ever catch ourselves being self-conscious of doing so, we are moving towards the path of hurt already.....

AHHH Screwtape letters is so awesome


posted by Mati
12:04 PM


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