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Sunday, March 30, 2008
posted by Alan Yu
12:25 AM
the second book that changed my life
Thursday, October 18, 2007
For those who went to the AFC event, in their book recommendation, they had one called "Blue like Jazz". I saw a drama base on this book 2 years ago, this week when I read it, it hits me hard. God spoke to me through this book and I have to say this is the second book that changed my life other than the Bible.
The book is about the author's spiritual journey, I really like his writing because even I'm a slow reader I finished the book in 4 days. He's got a sense of humor in his writing, it's like reading his journal and see his life being changed. The book mainly talks about sin, faith and love, its written in a way that's extremely relevant to us, because of the similar cultural background, and we have also experienced many of his doubt and sin towards God. I like he start with talking about sin — our sinful natural, our self addiction. Then it talks about God's love and we should response to His love; that is to love the people around us and the less fortunate. So that people would see God love in us.
I learn more about my purpose as a Christian, I start to see God's plan on me and JF and I found I'm different when I pray with the non-Christian basket ball players last night. Cos I truly believe God will change them when I pray with them & for them passionately with love.
I just think its a great and truly beautiful book, I was kind of in tears in the last chapter, I really hope that you will read it too.
- By Arnold
Labels: Blue Like Jazz
posted by Alan Yu
2:53 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Blue Like Jazz
作者:Donald Miller
For anyone wondering if the Christian faith is still relevant in a post-modern culture,
For anyone thirsting for a genuine encounter with God who is real,
For anyone yearning for a renewed sense of passion in life...
Blue Like Jazz is a fresh and original perspective on life, love and redemption.


The Air I Breathe
作者:Louie Giglio
We are all worshipers... of something. But are we spending our lives and filling our days with what matters most? The Air I Breathe will awaken you to the reality that worship is more than a service on Sunday. It’s every moment reflecting God’s glory and grace. “Some of the most inspiring teaching on worship I’ve ever heard has come from Louie Giglio. This book has inspired me as a worshiper and as a worship leader.”
- Matt Redman
Labels: Blue Like Jazz, The Air I Breathe, 生命的事奉
posted by 阿中
3:32 PM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Labels: Other
posted by 阿中
5:50 PM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fifty-Seven Words That Changed The World
作者:Darrell W. Johnson
Nowhere is Jesus’ brilliance more manifest than in the prayer he taught his disciples to pray, the prayer that has come to be known as the “Lord’s Prayer.” A mere fifty-seven words in the original Greek, the Lord’s Prayer gathers up all of life and brings it before God. In eight stirring meditations, Darrell Johnson shows how the Lord’s Prayer sums up the essence of Christian faith and, when prayed in faith, draws us into the Triune God’s work of transforming the world.

作者:Richard Foster

The Papa Prayer
作者:Larry Crabb
Like millions of Christians, Dr. Larry Crabb has always considered his prayer life a weakness - “dull, intense only in crisis, occasionally meaningful and passionate but mostly lifelessly routine.” But for everyone who struggles to pray in a way that matters, who is bored with prayer and doesn’t know where else to turn, this groundbreaking book whispers of hope for change.
Labels: 57 Words That Changed the World, The Papa Prayer, 屬靈操練禮讚
posted by Alan Yu
10:50 AM
Safety - the bad kind
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Both God and Satan has the power to keep you safe.
Safety allows us to take things for granted, and for some, to lose sight of what is truely important.
When do you pray more? Before exams or after exams?
Always be alert, especially when we are living the good life.
Do you have a job that pays well?
Do you drive a nice car?
Do you get good marks easily?
All those things are good, but don't get numbed by the world.
Labels: Screwtape Letters
posted by Mati
10:39 PM
Satan knows what you know.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
critical thinking
do you believe?
knowledge yields pride yields doubt
But this is a SPIRITUAL world, too. We can't know eveything.
Focus - The Bible is true, what will you do about it?
Are we wasting time nickpicking on the historical context of the Bible instead of using that time to help a couple homeless people?
Why do people always "interpret the Bible wrong"?
Why do we always have to say other people "interpreted the Bible wrong"?
Temptations temptations... beware..
Maybe we can Just focus on the right, there's plenty to do there to last us a lifetime...
Labels: Screwtape Letters
posted by Mati
10:14 AM