Fifty-Seven Words That Changed The World
作者:Darrell W. Johnson
Nowhere is Jesus’ brilliance more manifest than in the prayer he taught his disciples to pray, the prayer that has come to be known as the “Lord’s Prayer.” A mere fifty-seven words in the original Greek, the Lord’s Prayer gathers up all of life and brings it before God. In eight stirring meditations, Darrell Johnson shows how the Lord’s Prayer sums up the essence of Christian faith and, when prayed in faith, draws us into the Triune God’s work of transforming the world.

作者:Richard Foster

The Papa Prayer
作者:Larry Crabb
Like millions of Christians, Dr. Larry Crabb has always considered his prayer life a weakness - “dull, intense only in crisis, occasionally meaningful and passionate but mostly lifelessly routine.” But for everyone who struggles to pray in a way that matters, who is bored with prayer and doesn’t know where else to turn, this groundbreaking book whispers of hope for change.
Labels: 57 Words That Changed the World, The Papa Prayer, 屬靈操練禮讚
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